Stage III: Recover from the DDoS Attack : Take steps to prevent further attacks and make adjustments to recover from the attack (architecture, processes, etc.).Īlthough numbered, incident response teams will often find that some of these stages may need to be executed simultaneously.In some cases, this step may need to be completed to block the attack. Stage II: Determine the Type of DDoS Attack : Examine and analyze log files, alerts and other records that might indicate what type of attack is being performed and from where.Stop Internal DDoS Attacks on a Server or Router.Stop External Application, Server, and Website DDoS Attacks.

For the steps to stop specific types of attacks see: If blocking does not work, the resource may need to be taken down to wait out the attack. Sometimes this will require outside assistance. Stage I: Block the DDoS Attack: Take immediate steps to attempt to block the attack.To stop the attack, defenders must move quickly and navigate three broad response stages: When under siege from a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, systems grind to a halt and often become entirely unresponsive.